
Purpose. The purpose of the work is to study the main problems of improving the procedure for forming the judicial corps. In order to create a truly authoritative, professional and, of course, independent judiciary in Ukraine, first of all, it is necessary to improve the system of forming the judicial corps. After all, the main prerequisite for both independence and a high legal status of a judge is proper staffing by highly professional, competent specialists. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is a system of interrelated conceptual principles and methods, which make it possible to comprehensively and fully investigate the foundations of the reform of the judicial system and the formation of a qualified judicial corps. In particular, the following methods were used: the method of scientific forecasting and modeling; axiological method; historical-genetic method; logical method; formal legal method. Results. In the process of research, it was recognized that the selection of candidates for the position of judge, as a prerequisite for the formation of a qualified judicial corps, is a problem of general societal importance, which, due to constant changes in the political, socio-economic and cultural life of society, almost continuously maintains its relevance. Originality. In the research process, it was established that the formation of a highly professional and highly moral judicial corps is possible only on the condition that every citizen with a high legal culture and legal awareness wants to live in a fair, democratic and legal state. Practical significance. The conclusions, provisions and recommendations formulated in the article can be used in law-making activities; research work and educational process.

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