
The article analyzes the organizational and economic principles of functioning of agro-industrial enterprises, explores the possibilities of increasing their competitiveness. In particular, it is noted that the category of “organizational and economic mechanism” is the most important part of the economic system, including in the ag ricultural sector. The essence, content and adjustment of the organizational and economic mechanism is determined by many scientists and researchers, the focus is on industrial relations and economic laws. It is important to understand the levers of organizational and economic mechanism (economic and organizational). Economic factors include: the mechanism of market pricing; levers for investing and lending bonds, financing; selffinancing of investments; accumulation and investment of capital, state regulation and state support. Organizational factors include: structural levers; organizational and technical levers; levers of management organization; corporate planning and information levers. Using the levers of self-sufficiency, the peculiarities of the activities of agar enterprises in the domestic and foreign food markets are manifested to obtain the most attractive effect with minimal costs. An important component of economic efficiency of agricultural enterprises is the maintenance of competitive conditions as a stimulus for the rational functioning of enterprises and organizations. Pure competition is an incentive for society to minimize costs and maximize profits, as well as adhere to marginal productivity. Competition is best manifested in terms of economic dynamics. Competition increases supply, improves product quality, improves service and availability, and reduces production costs. The article analyzes the views of economists on the category of “competitiveness”, provides indicators of competitiveness (price, market and quality indicators), the structure of the mechanism for improving the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises, proposed methods for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises and effective management of enterprise competitiveness. It is noted that the competitiveness of production in the agro-industrial sector depends on resource supply, infrastructure development, the level of development of labor resources, the external environment, which is based on state policy on its development and more. To increase the competitiveness of enterprises should have competitive advantages: to improve their activities and increase their efficiency, to influence the market environment, to ensure the maximum possible result for each unit of labor, material and financial resources spent. Therefore, for the effective functioning of agro-industrial enterprises, increasing their competitiveness, it is necessary to apply a complex and effective organizational and economic management system. The main directions of increasing the competitiveness of agar enterprises are effective marketing policy, improving quality, service, maintenance, reducing production costs and production costs with maximum benefit in the future, as well as involvement in the production of new technologies, complex mechanization and automation, rational use of means of production and resources involved, etc. The use of these factors will ensure further growth and increase the efficiency of production of agricultural enterprises.

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