
An organizational and economic mechanism for the creation of the Mukachevo Industrial Park with elements of logistics, which should become an international operator of export-import and transit flows of Ukraine between East and West has been proposed in the article. For this purpose, the given project determines the relevance of the construction of an industrial park in the city of Mukachevo, peculiarities of its work and services, functions, principles, typical structure of construction and building. The practical experience of implementing an international project within six countries in the context of the formation of digital information-communication systems and technologies of transnational logistics has been presented in the article. Key words: Industrial Park, transport logistics, intermodal logistics, transnational logistics, digital technologies, information and communication system DOI: 10.15276/mdt.3.4.2019.2 Chuchka I., Gajdos M., Gavrilets O. (2019) The Role of Intermodal logistic Enters in Enhancing Transport Corridor. Marketing and digital technology, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 8–17. Krykavskyi E.V. (2005) Lohistychne upravlinnia [Logistics Management]. Lviv: Publisher of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic". (in Ukrainian) Mikula N.A. (2004) Mizhterytorialne ta transkordonne spivrobitnytstvo [Inter-territorial and cross-border cooperation. Institute of regional research: Lviv. (in Ukrainian) Balian A.V. (2006) Mizhrehionalne transkordonne spivrobitnytstvo Ukrainy za umov rozshyrennia YeS [Inter-regional, cross-border cooperation of Ukraine under the conditions of EU enlargement]. Uzhhgorod: Lira, 2006. (in Ukrainian) Kish Ye. (2008) Tsentralna Yevropa v suchasnii systemi yevrorehionalnoi intehratsii [Central Europe in the modern system of Euroregional integration]. Uzhhgorod: Lira. (in Ukrainian) Nosa N.A. (2007) Rol investytsii v rozvytku prykordonnoi i transportnoi infrastruktury [The Role of Investments in the Development of Border and Transport Infrastructure]. Institute of World Economy and International Relations, no. 38., pp. 131–135. (in Ukrainian) Sholokh Yu. M. (2007) Stratehichne planuvannia rozvytku prykordonnoho rehionu [Strategic Planning of the Border Region Development]. Regional Economics, no. 2. pp. 131–138. (in Ukrainian) Palamarchuk O. Stvorennia lohistychnykh tsentriv v Ukraini vyrishyt 5 naivazhlyvishykh problem krainy [Establishment of logistic centers in Ukraine will solve 5 major problems of the country]. Available at: http://12b.ua/news/15857/en-us/. Oklander M.A. (2000) Konturyi ekonomicheskoy logistiki [Contours of economic logistics]. K.: Scientific Thought. (in Russian) Smyrnov I.G., Shum I.V. (2005) Intehratsiia u yevropeisku transportno-lohistychnu systemu – stratehichnyi vybir Urainy (Heoprostorovyi aspekt) [Integration into the European transport and logistics system - strategic choice of Ukraine (Geospatial aspect). Ukrainian Geographical Journal, no. 3, pp. 32–37. (in Ukrainian) Skoryk O.V. (2014) Osoblyvosti funktsionuvannia rehionalnykh lohistychnykh tsentriv i kompanii Ukrainy [Peculiarities of functioning of regional logistic centers and companies of Ukraine]. Regional Economics, no. 2., pp. 200–206. (in Ukrainian) Logical Cloud Portal. Available at: http://logical.bayzoltan.org/%5BENG%5D/index_eng.html. Oklander, M.A. (2002). Problemy formuvannia marketynhovoi systemy krainy [Problems of the formation of the country's marketing system]. Kyiv: Naukova dumka [in Ukrainian]. Oklander M.A. (2002). Kontseptsiia marketynhovoi diialnosti orhaniv derzhavnoho upravlinnia. [Concept of marketing activity of public administration]. Trudы Odesskoho polytekhnycheskoho unyversyteta: Nauchnыi y proyzvodstvenno-praktycheskyi sbornyk po tekhnycheskym y estestvennыm naukam.V.1, no.17, pp. 223-226. [in Ukrainian]


  • Ph.D. in Economic, Associate Professor Foreign Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Vice-President of the International Agency of regional development «Latorytsia»

  • An organizational and economic mechanism for the creation of the Mukachevo Industrial Park with elements of logistics, which should become an international operator of export-import and transit flows of Ukraine between East and West has been proposed in the article

  • It should be noted that the urgency of the development of the above mentioned mechanism in the boundary area of Transcarpathian region is due to the fact that a competitive environment is currently being formed on the market of border terminal transport infrastructure, in particular - dynamic investment in construction and re-equipment of reloading terminals is being made at the eastern borders of Poland and Slovakia, and in Hungary the construction of border terminal infrastructure began in the mid-1990s

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Ph.D. in Economic, Associate Professor Foreign Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Vice-President of the International Agency of regional development «Latorytsia».

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