
The high level of competition in the transport sector and the non-decreasing trend of its further increase necessitate the constant search by transport companies’ ways to improve the efficiency of organizing business processes. As one of the options for ensuring effective management is the project methodology and project-oriented management. Transport enterprises are not an exception and some of them are also involved in reorienting business processes to the requirements of the project approach. But the actual implementation of project-oriented management in the transport sector is difficult due to the practical absence of any theoretical basis. Thus, today a need to eliminate this contradiction – the lack of a theory of project-oriented management of transport companies in the presence of real requests from the transport business arises. This study is aimed at developing a theoretical base for the creating a system model of a project-oriented transport company (on the example of the freight forwarding). The uniqueness of the delivery service – the product of the operating activities of forwarding companies is justified; the sources of its uniqueness based on decomposition according to the corresponding levels and aspects are identified. The project “delivery of goods” is presented as an integrated set of works, most of which correspond to the operational activities of the interrelated participants of the delivery process. The specifics of the product of this project are formulated, two groups of the specified product’s characteristics are defined – delivery parameters (final result) and characteristics of the delivery process (the process of the obtaining the result). The “portfolio" nature of the main activity of the forwarding company and the specifics of the management implementation at two levels – the level of a project (delivery) and the level of the portfolio (the company) were identified. The advantages of introducing project-oriented management for freight forwarding companies are determined. The project approach, on the one hand, allows to provide the best results for the implementation of core activities (by linking business processes not to operations, but to the final product of the project), on the other hand, – better coordination and planning of the resources at the company level as a whole, focusing on the specifics of each project as a whole.

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