
The paper presents the results of measures for the organization of specialized medical care in infectious diseases during the preparation and staging of the 2014 XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in the city of Sochi. There is analyzed the complex of measures to ensure the readiness of infectious services in the Krasnodar territory. Special attention in the pre-Olympic period was focused on the training ofmedical personnel with regard to the peculiarities of the work at major international competitions and available epidemiological risks, including those associated with the possibility of skidding especially dangerous and exotic for the Russian Federation infections. There were strengthened the material and technical equipment of the infectious service of the Krasnodar territory and Sochi, updated inventory of medicines, medical supplies in case of emergencies in the field ofpublic health. In the framework of the target program of the Krasnodar territory «Provision of construction of Olympic venues and the development of Sochi city as a mountain climatic and balneological resort» there was built and put into operation a new hospital «Infectious hospital № 2», which became the main base for the treatment of patients with infectious pathology of the resort city of. Sochi. At the time of the Games there was implemented personnel strengthening infectious service Sochi by bringing in specialists from other regions of the Krasnodar territory. The article also presents data on the structure of infectious morbidity in the period of the Games staging. In conclusion, it is noted that due to results of the work including preventive and anti-epidemic measures it was possible to avoid serious complications of sanitary and epidemiological situation. No cases group and flare infectious morbidity during the Games were recorded.

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