
The article is devoted to determining the current state of functioning and assessing the balance level of the social sphere components in the Podilsk region (Vinnytsia, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi). The suggested study is relevant and timely at the stage of approval of a new administrative structure scheme and the introduction of decentralization as well as transfer of powers to regulate the social sphere components to the level of newly formed territorial communities.
 In order to analyse the current social sphere state in the Podilsk region, a system of 25 indicators was selected, which were grouped into seven categories. The indicators selected for comparison were both qualitative and quantitative. In its individual nature, each particular group of indicators was responsible for a certain component of the social sphere. It seems appropriate to assess the elements of the social sphere in the sectoral version, which allows to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their use. The study combines and scores its main components, including education, culture, medicine, housing, utilities, trade services, communications and welfare. This made it possible to form a holistic view of the social sphere formation of individual regional areas and the entire territory of the Podilsk region. Final conclusions and recommendations for their improvement have been developed for each evaluation group.
 Methods of synthesis and analysis, generalization, work with arrays of statistical data, which were taken from the official data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, were chosen for the research. In order to identify certain trend processes, the data over 2000-2018 were processed (in some cases the time interval was longer).
 The overall picture of the score shows that all areas of the study region have similar indicators of social development, but each of them often has its own advantages in the social sphere elements development, which does not allow to claim a balanced level of social functioning within these areas.
 The carried out research allows to define strategic directions of social sphere development in the Podilsk region generally as well as in its separate areas. On this basis, it is possible to develop programs for regional development of the social sphere.
 The carried out research allows to define strategic directions of development of social sphere in the Podolsk region as a whole and its separate areas. On this basis, it is possible to develop programs for regional development of the social sphere for the needs of regional development.
 Keywords: Podilsk region, geospatial organization, social sphere, education, culture, medicine, housing and communal services, trade and mass catering, communication.


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ОРГАНІЗАЦІЯ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ СФЕРИ ОБЛАСТЕЙ ПОДІЛЬСЬКОГО РЕГІОНУ: СУСПІЛЬНО-ГЕОГРАФІЧНЕ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ Здійснене дослідження дозволяє визначити стратегічні напрямки розвитку соціальної сфери в Подільському регіоні загалом та окремих його областях. Метою проведеного дослідження є визначення сучасного стану функціональності елементів соціальної сфери областей Подільського регіону та визначення перспективних напрямків їх застосування в умовах децентралізації.

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