
The lateral line sensory system of Lampetra japonica is innervated by the anterior and posterior lateral line nerves. The anterior lateral line nerve innervates all electroreceptors throughout the body and mechanoreceptors of the head. The posterior lateral line nerve innervates trunk mechanoreceptors. The anterior lateral line nerve consists of two ganglia (anterior lateral line and intracapsular) and four major peripheral branches (superficial ophthalmic, buccal, hyomandibular, and recurrent nerves). The posterior lateral line nerve has one posterior lateral line ganglion and one peripheral branch. The location and central projection patterns of the primary sensory neurons of these branches of the lateral line nerves were studied with the aid of horseradish peroxidase labeling. The ganglion cells of the buccal nerve were found in the rostral half, and those of the hyomandibular nerve were found in the caudal half of the medial part of the anterior lateral line ganglion. The lateral part of the anterior lateral line ganglion contains ganglion cells of the recurrent nerve and the superficial ophthalmic nerve. The rostral half of the intracapsular ganglion contains ganglion cells of the recurrent, hyomandibular, and buccal nerves. The ganglion cells of the posterior lateral line nerve were found in the posterior lateral line ganglion. The buccal nerve afferents terminated mainly in the lateral part of the ipsilateral mechanoreceptive medial nucleus. The peripheral part of the electroreceptive dorsal nucleus also received several afferents. The hyomandibular afferents terminated ipsilaterally in the central part of the medial nucleus and in the dorsolateral part of the dorsal nucleus. Some afferents of the hyomandibular nerve ascended and descended in the descending nucleus of the trigeminal nerve near its dorsal margin. The ventral nucleus, the primary nucleus of the VIIIth nerve, received a few fibers of the buccal and hyomandibular nerves. In the recurrent nerve, the fibers of the lateral part of the anterior lateral line ganglion terminated throughout the entire dorsal nucleus, and the fibers of the intracapsular ganglion projected to the dorsolateral part of the nucleus. The afferents of the posterior lateral line nerve terminated in the medial part of the ipsilateral medial nucleus and in the lateral part of the contralateral medial nucleus. In the cerebellar area, afferents of the anterior lateral line nerve were located laterally to those of the posterior lateral line nerve. Several fibers terminated in some branchiomotor nuclei, the cerebellar crest, and the dorsal gray near the obex level. No efferent cell bodies were found in the place where efferent neurons of the VIIIth nerve have been previously reported.

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