
The activity of the medical service for organizing the provision of medical equipment for troops (forces) at the first stage of the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation after the collapse of the Soviet Union is presented. The stages of development of the pharmaceutical industry, the legal framework of the drug supply of the population in the context of the transition to the market economy are presented. It was revealed that the system of medical supply of troops (forces) after the division of the army and navy of the Soviet Union went through complex processes associated with the maintenance of large volumes of outdated medical equipment, difficulties in procurement and rising prices for medicines and medical equipment in conditions of insufficient funding for the Armed Forces. At the same time, the many-sided experience gained during numerous armed conflicts in the post-Soviet space, in Russia itself and abroad is being accumulated and generalized. The system of medical supply of troops (forces), developed in the 1990s, is described positive and negative sides and accumulated problems are identified, which subsequently required modernization. The importance of the Department of Military Medical Supply and Pharmacy of the Military Medical Faculty at the Siberian State Medical University and its successor Tomsk Military Medical Institute, where undergraduate training of military pharmacists was emphasized, was emphasized. The leading role of the Department of Military Medical Supply and Pharmacy of S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, where leadership training was provided for the medical supply system of troops (forces). The improvement of the regulatory framework governing the provision of medical equipment for compounds, military units and military medical organizations and its harmonization with the legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation is shown. The contribution of scientists and employees of S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy and other organizations of the Ministry of Harrow of the Russian Federation, dealing with the problems of providing medical equipment for troops (forces), as well as the development of the theory and practice of military pharmacy.

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