
The article focuses on the issue of effective organization of experimental research with the use of the methods of mathematical statistics. The relevance of the topic is evidenced by the necessity of improvement of the process of preparation and conduction of a pedagogical experiment, as well as examination of the objectivity and validity of the performed measurements. The aim of the article is elaboration of the algorithm of theoretical and practical preparation for conducting a pedagogical experiment. The methodical system of teaching Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes to future pedagogy specialists, which has been developed by the author, serves as the object of experimental examination. The descriptive, systemic and structural, mathematical and statistical methods, as well as the theoretical methods of generalization and particularization, have been applied in the research process. As a result of the study, the main pedagogical conditions for organization of experimental and exploratory learning have been formulated, the specificity of preparatory work before conducting an experiment has been elucidated, the aim and tasks of the experiment have been detailed, and the methodical support has been determined. The fact that the methodical system of teaching Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes to students of pedagogical institutions of higher education has to be based on the foundations of research, competence, communicative and activity-oriented, linguistic and extralinguistic, professionally oriented, systemic and synergistic, text-centric, functional and stylistic approaches has been taken into account in the process of organization of the experimental work. Components of the general ability of future experts to perform complex specialized tasks and solve practical problems in their professional and pedagogical activity include the discourse, documentation, general scientific, informational and technologic, entrepreneurial, editorial, and terminological competences. For the purpose of objectivity in conducting pedagogical measurements, the sizes of general and random samples have been formed considering the regional and statistical aspects. Determination of a minimal required size of a sample as a micromodel of a general sample is carried out by using the limiting error formula to ensure the accuracy and reliability of research results.

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