
Today, one of the leading trends in the development of higher professional education is increasing attention to the problem of training specialists of a qualitatively new level, professionals which would be ready for professional growth, capable of self-education, self-improvement and self-realization. Accordingly, the training of a specialist of a new formation with a medical education, in particular, paramedics, requires the transformation of the educational space, the introduction of the latest technologies, methods and techniques. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to highlight the basic principles and technologies of the educational process of training paramedics at the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology of the Poltava State Medical University. The article presents the main elements of the educational and professional training program for paramedics, key technologies, which are aimed at ensuring deep assimilation of knowledge from this discipline and their practical application in medical practice. One of the ways to increase the effectiveness of education is the use of interactive teaching methods. For example, students can participate in discussions, group projects, and practical sessions at the laboratory, where they can study microorganisms and perform various experiments. For effective learning, it is also important to use visual aids, for example, multimedia support of the topic, animation, electronic diagrams, photos, diagrams, drawings. This will help students to understand complex processes and phenomena more easily.
 Thus, the organization of the educational process at the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology when teaching the educational discipline "Microbiology" to paramedic students, is based on the educational and professional programs. To ensure the effective provision of educational services, modern means and technologies of education are used.

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