
This study investigates direct hippocampal efferent projections to the temporal lobe of the rhesus monkey. Tritiated amino acid injections were placed into the hippocampal formation to identify terminal fields, and complementary fluorescent retrograde tracer injections were placed into the cortex to identify the cells of origin. Tritiated amino acid injections into CA1, prosubicular, or subicular subfields produced anterograde label over parts of the parahippocampal gyrus and temporal pole. Injections of fluorescent retrograde tracers demonstrated that these projections originate from longitudinal strips of neurons that occupy part of the CA1 subfield as well as from strips of neurons in adjacent prosubicular and subicular subfields. Thus, an injection into area TH of the posterior parahippocampal gyrus labeled neurons in a longitudinal strip of proximal CA1 (i.e., near CA2) as well as a strip in the subiculum; injections into areas TF, TL, 35, or Pro labeled neurons in a longitudinal strip of distal CA1 (i.e., near the prosubiculum) as well as one in the prosubiculum; and an injection into area TFO labeled neurons in a longitudinal strip in the middle of CA1. These strips of neurons extended longitudinally throughout the entire rostrocaudal length of the hippocampus. These results demonstrate that, in the monkey, CA1 projections to cortex arise topographically from longitudinally oriented strips of neurons that occupy only a part of the transverse extent of CA1 but that cover most of the anteroposterior extent of the hippocampus. Thus, in the monkey, CA1 is not a single uniform entity and may have a unique role as a source of direct hippocampal projections to the cerebral cortex.

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