
This article is about organizing the design and research work of students through project work when teaching elements of series theory in high school. When teaching elements of series theory, the possibility of dividing the design and research work of schoolchildren into four types is described. The mechanisms for organizing simulation-restorative, scientific-implementation and creative-design work of students are given. The types of project work of schoolchildren, tasks and stages of their implementation are highlighted. It has been determined that teaching the elements of series theory using the project method meets the requirements of the modern credit education system and can meet the tasks posed from the point of view of our time. The article defines the features of the concepts “project method”, “design method”, “using the design method in the classroom”, “design and research work of students”, design teaching technologies. When using the design method, it is stated that special design work (tasks) that puts students in a problem situation, its features and the possibility of getting out of this situation, including a set of different methods that encourage students to search and conduct research. In addition, it is shown that the use of the design method makes it possible to evaluate not only the preparation process, but also the final result of the students’ work.

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