ABSTRACT Initial populations of club mosses were investigated in pine forests of southern Lithuania (ass. Cladonio-Pinetum and Vaccinio vitis-idaeae-Pinetum). Results show that populations of lycophyta gametophytes in some forest sites can be abundant (up to 500 individuals in a square meter). All juvenile populations were found in localities where recorded tree canopy cover was 30% or less. Localization of subterranean gametophyte populations was determined by juvenile club mosses. We mapped locations of all Lycopodium L. and Diphasiastrum Holub. juvenile sporophytes and gametophytes that occurred within three randomly selected and excavated 0.25 m2 sample plots at four pine forest sites in different localities in southern Lithuania. The developmental stage of each individual was recorded. Eight out of twelve soil samples from four research localities contained subterranean gametophytes. In total 277 gametophytes and 124 juvenile sporophytes were recorded. The developmental stage and size of the gametoph...
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