
The present study was aimed at characterizing the effects of low-protein malnutrition (6% casein) on the circadian rhythm of drinking behavior and on suprachiasmatic nuclei immunohistochemistry in Sprague-Dawley rats. Recordings were started at 30 days of age under a 12:12-h light-dark (LD) cycle. At age 150 days, recordings were continued under constant dim red light, and finally the latency to entrain to complete and skeleton photoperiods was established. At the end of the recordings rats were processed for histological analysis. Compared with their controls, malnournished rats exhibited 1) splitting of rhythmicity under LD that 2) condensed to one component in constant dim red light, 3) delayed entrainment to skeleton photoperiod, and 4) precocious entrainment under complete photoperiod. Immunohistochemical analysis showed mainly a decrease in the immunohistochemical detection of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and glial fibrillar acid protein cells in malnourished animals. These results indicate that in malnourished rats there is a decrease 1) in the coupling force among the oscillators and 2) in the strength of the phase lock between the oscillators and the light-dark cycle.

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