
The article deals with the problem of developing methodological support and organizing lessons in a modern school in the context of distance learning. As practice shows, modern Russian schools for the most part do not have significant experience in organizing and conducting online lessons. Many teachers were not ready to organize distance learning, because they had never conducted such lessons before. In this regard, the relevance of this work is due to the contradiction between the lack of high-quality teaching materials for organizing and conducting lessons in a distance form and the need to conduct online lessons in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The article presents the integrated lesson "Geoinformation systems in our life" at the junction of two subject areas: informatics and geography. An approach to organizing and conducting such a lesson for 9th grade students in gymnasium 9, Krasnoyarsk in the usual learning environment (as part of the educational process in the school) is described, as well as the possibility of organizing and conducting this lesson in a distance format. The experience described in the article is intended to help teachers adapt the materials for standard lessons to use in online lessons. The materials presented in the article can be replicated in educational organizations at middle school, and also used to improve the skills of informatics teachers.

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