
RESUMO: Neste trabalho, analisamos como se constitui a organização sociorretórica das homepages de disciplinas online na perspectiva da análise bidimensional de gêneros (ASKEHAVE; NIELSEN, 2004). Em Crescitelli e Campos (2015), analisamos homepages de disciplinas de curso de graduação a distância com base em Swales (1990), examinando sua organização sociorretórica e levantando passos e movimentos retóricos que as constituíam. Aqui, examinamos as mesmas homepages na perspectiva bidimensional, verificando, nos modos de leitura e navegação, propósitos comunicativos, unidades funcionais (movimentos retóricos e links) e estratégias retóricas empregadas para o alcance deles. No caso dos links, fundamentamo-nos na teoria de sequências textuais de Adam (1992) e examinamos as sequências predominantes na articulação das lexias hipertextuais. Pautamo-nos em estudos de gênero como ação social (MILLER, 2009a, 2009b, 2009c; BAZERMAN, 2006, 2009a, 2009b; SWALES, 1990; BHATIA, 1993); gênero textual digital (MARCUSCHI, 2010; ASKEHAVE; NIELSEN, 2004) e hipertexto (LEMKE, 2002; FINNEMANN, 1999). Trata-se de estudo de caso, com observação e descrição de um fenômeno em contexto específico (MARTINS, 2008; YIN, 2005, 1984; TRIVIÑOS, 1987). Os resultados obtidos demonstram que conhecer a organização sociorretórica do gênero homepage propicia a organização de conteúdo pedagógico mais voltada aos interesses e às necessidades dos usuários, contribuindo para o envolvimento do aluno com o processo educacional.


  • The present work is part of a broader research about social practices in virtual learning environments and digital textual genres

  • Organization of homepages of online disciplines within a two-dimensional perspective on genre analysis (ASKEHAVE; NIELSEN, 2004), which is grounded on the sociorhetorical analysis proposed by Swales (1990) and considers, in the reading and navigating modes of digital genres, the communicative purposes, the functional units that characterize the purposes, and the rhetorical strategies employed to fulfil them

  • To understand the sociorhetorical organization of information in the homepages of the disciplines in our corpus, we performed a two-dimensional analysis of homepages grounded on the studies carried out by Askehave and Nielsen (2004), considering the reading and navigating modes that constitute web genres

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The present work is part of a broader research about social practices in virtual learning environments and digital textual genres. The links function as means of transportation, enabling the genre user to move from a virtual place to the other; b) links: the communicative purpose is fulfilled by means of related links in a hypertextual web structure As these elements are an inherent property of the virtual environment and do not refer to a specific genre, their functional value is to organize the information on the site, relating a text A (node) to a text B (anchor), establishing meaning relationships between them. In this perspective, Askehave and Nielsen (2004) propose a functional typology of links (descriptive, narrative, argumentative, explicative, dialogical) based on the sequence typology of texts developed by Jean-Michel Adam. Gathering the pieces of information above in another disposition, we propose the following chart, which reflects the organization used in the analysis: Chart 1 – Corpus analysis

Section 3 RHETORICAL STRATEGIES employed to realize moves and links
SECTION 1 – Communicative Purpose
Original: “Cronograma”
Original: “Fale com o professor
SECTION 3 – Rhetorical Strategies
16 Original: “Educação a Distância” 17 Original: “Matemática – Licenciatura”
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