
The article is devoted to the issue of training primary school teachers to use Google services in teaching English to primary school pupils. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for this process are considered. In the article it is focused on a need to create a holistic system of knowledge, skills and abilities for the use of Google services by future primary school teachers in teaching English to junior pupils. It is determined that the purpose of teaching English in primary school is the formation of foreign language communicative competence, provided by language, speech and socio-cultural experience, consistent with the psycho-physiological and individual characteristics of younger students. The task of a foreign language primary school teacher is to develop lexical, grammatical and phonetic skills, as well as skills in four types of speaking activities: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The advantages in the use of cloud technologies in education as a kind of information and communication technologies are determined and theoretically substantiated. It is found out the possibilities and prospects of using cloud services from Google in teaching English to young students. In particular, we researched the following Google services: Google Presentation, YouTube, Hangouts, Gmail, Google Drive, etc. It is also determined that the effectiveness of the educational process can be improved by using them in English language teaching in primary school. The effectiveness of using Google services in teaching English is depicted in the ability of the primary school foreign language teacher to create a learning environment in English lessons, where the pupils can do a variety of learning tasks in grammar, vocabulary and phonetics, as well as develop their skills in four speech activities (listening, speaking, reading and writing). It is proved, that one of the tasks of professional training in pedagogical higher education institution should be the actualization of conscious mastery of information technology, intensification of pedagogical self-organization, self-improvement of knowledge in this field - forming the readiness of primary school teachers to use Google services in their English language teaching. Ways to successfully solve the task of training the future primary school teachers in their professional foreign language work are possible only in the appropriate organizational and pedagogical conditions that determine the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities.

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