
The article focuses on the foundation and development of the universal legal basis of human rights education, which is an essential part of general education as an integral part of human rights. The provisions of general international legal instruments guaranteeing the right to education are analysed, in particular: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966, the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989. Special attention is paid to the provisions of specialized acts on the regulation of education. In particular, the provisions of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination in Education of 1960, adopted by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which defines the main components of the right to education, clarifies the term “discrimination” in the field of education, and state parties’ obligations to eliminate or prevent discrimination. The provisions of universal acts adopted within the World Conference on Human Rights, the World Education Forum are disclosed, in particular: the Vienna Declaration and the Action Plan, the World Declaration on Education for All and the basic framework for action to meet basic educational needs, the Dakar Framework for Action, education for everyone: fulfilling our collective commitments, the World Program in Education, the UN Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training, Education 2030 – Incheon Declaration – Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all and others. Emphasis is placed on the activity of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and his / her chairmanship (OHCHR) on the development of human rights education. The focus is on the practical component of UNESCO’s activity in this area. Programs that operate under the auspices of a specialized institution are characterized by: a program to prevent violent extremism through education, education about the Holocaust and genocide, the importance of language in education, the rule of law through education. It focuses on the functioning of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which aims to assist Palestinian refugees in providing access to quality education. Relevant conclusions are made.


  • АННОТАЦИЯ: в статье уделено внимание становлению и развитию универсальной организационно-правовой основы образования в области прав человека, которая является составной общего образования

  • ANNOTATION: the article focuses on the foundation and development of the universal legal basis of human rights education, which is an essential part of general education as an integral part of human rights

  • The provisions of general international legal instruments guaranteeing the right to education are analysed, in particular: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966, the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989

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12. The Dakar Framework for Action

Education for All: meeting our collective commitments (including six regional frameworks for action). Vsemirnaja programma obrazovanija v oblasti prav cheloveka. Nacional'nyh pravozashhitnyh uchrezhdenij i drugih sootvetstvujushhih zainteresovannyh storon o celevyh sektorah, prioritetnyh oblastjah ili tematicheskih voprosah, kasajushhihsja prav cheloveka, dlja tret'ego jetapa Vsemirnoj pr ogrammy obrazovanija v oblasti prav cheloveka. Verhovnyj komissar po pooshhreniju i zashhite vseh prav cheloveka. Global citizenship education for the rule of law: Doing the right thing.

20. Incheon Declaration: Education 2030
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