
The relevance of the study lies in the fact that local self-government is the foundation of the life of the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan and one of the main foundations of any democratic system. The purpose of this study is to establish the constitutional and legal content and forms of interaction between the state authorities and local self-government at the present stage of development of the Republic of Azerbaijan. To achieve the research objective, the author used general theoretical and special legal methods. The main result of the study is the argumentation of the position that interaction between public authorities and local self-government should be considered as a joint activity based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, its laws and by-laws, and carried out in certain directions and forms. Achieving this goal involves setting and solving such a research task as analysing the main trends in the development of local self-government at the present stage, forms, and mechanisms of interaction between local self-government bodies and the bodies of the state power structure of a subject of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on the one hand, and the local population at the regional level, on the other. The study used both general scientific methods of research (logical analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and descent from the abstract to the concrete, and the method of identification) and private (so-called traditional) methods of social sciences (the method of structural and functional analysis, and the institutional method). The conclusion of the study is the argumentation of the position that in Azerbaijan, as in other post-Soviet countries, the problem of relations between state and municipal authorities is quite relevant since local self-government has always been an attribute of a democratic society and a form of self-organisation of the population to solve local problems. In addition, local self-government in Azerbaijan is recognised as an equal and independent form of government, which is also confirmed by the results of the study. The study also substantiates specific proposals for improving the functioning of the local self-government system in the Republic of Azerbaijan, which will contribute to increasing the efficiency of its implementation at the regional level.

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