
The Muhammadiyah organization was born out of KH's anxiety. Ahmad Dahlan in education, thus establishing one of the religious social organizations namely the Muhammadiyah Association in the field of education. In this case, we can see that education in Muhammadiyah is divided into three levels, namely; Informal education is education that is held in the family or household, community. Non-formal education organized in the community and at school. Formal education held in schools Muhammadiyah's outlook on life will always be closely related to the objectives of the Muhammadiyah organization itself. In formal education, levels of education will be made, from kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school to university, in this case the Islamic movement, da'wah, and tajdid. The Muhammadiyah organization has also placed education as one of the media to achieve the goals of this socio-religious organization. Apart from being strategic, this placement has brought tremendous success in the context of educating Muslims and the Indonesian nation. As one of the vehicles to play an active role in educating the nation's children.

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