
OZET Gunumuzde organik urunlerin yetistirilmesi ve pazarlanmasinin oldukca populer duruma gelmesinden dolayi, dunyanin butun ulkelerinde oldugu gibi Turkiye'de de organik urun yetistiriciligi her gecen gun artmaktadir. Bu arastirma, Marmara bolgesinde yer alan Kocaeli Ilinin Kartepe ilcesine bagli sekiz koyde yurutulmustur. Burada amac, Kocaeli'nin sanayisi gelismis bir il olmasinin, insanlarin tarima olan ilgisinin nasil etkilendiginin arastirilmasinin yani sira ciftcilerin, tarimsal faaliyetlerini yuruturken hangi bilgi kaynaklarindan yararlandiklari ve tarimsal yayimin etkili olup olmadiginin tespit edilmesidir. Bu calismada, organik tarim faaliyetlerinin yogun oldugu sekiz koy, gayeli ornekleme ile belirlenmis olup, ornek hacmi tespitinde, tesadufi ornekleme yontemi kullanilmistir. Ornege cikan 131 ciftci ile yuz yuze anket uygulamasi yapilmistir. Bu koyler, Kartepe ilcesinin cevreleyen ve tarimsal faaliyetin yogun olarak yurutuldugu koylerdir. Yapilan calismada; cesitli istatistiki programlardan yararlanilmistir. Istatistik programi olan, SPSS 16.00 kullanilarak ki-kare analizleri, frekans tablolari, yuzde hesaplamalari gibi cesitli yontemler kullanilmistir. Calisma sonucuna gore; egitim duzeyinin dusuk oldugu belirlenmistir. Ciftcilerin % 80'ni ilkogretim, % 8.4'u lise mezunu ve % 10.7'sinin ise okur –yazar olmadigi, bolgede hala genis aile yapisinin hukum surdugu, ciftcilik yapan kisilerin buyuk cogunlugunun herhangi bir kurum ya da kurulustan emekli oldugu, %17.6'sinin herhangi bir sosyal guvencesi bulunmazken, %82.4'nun ise bir sosyal guvencesi oldugu saptanmistir. Tarimsal faaliyette bulunan ciftcilerin orta yas ve uzerindeki kesimden olustugu, yas araliginin 46 ve uzeri yas grubundan olustugu bulunmustur. Ciftcilerin, % 87 gibi yuksek oranda kooperatif ortakligi mevcuttur. Kalkinmislik duzeyi ne olursa olsun tarimsal faaliyetin yapilmasina bir mani yoktur. Tarimsal faaliyette bulunanlarin, isyerlerinin koylerine yakin olmasi, kisilerin tarimsal faaliyette bulunmalarini ve kendi butcelerine katki saglamalarini tesvik etmesinin yani sira ulke ekonomisine de dolayli katki sagladiklari soylenebilir. Kocaeli'nin sanayi kenti olmasi tarimla ugrasanlarin, ayni zamanda sanayide calismalarini, sosyal guvenceye sahip olmalarini ve emeklilik olanagi saglamasi gibi bazi avantajlari oldugu belirlenmistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Tarimsal yayim, organik tarim, organik tarimda bilgi kaynaklari ABSTRACT At the present day, due to cultivation and marketing of organic products is becoming very popular, just as in all countries of the world, production of organic products in Turkey is increasing day by day. This research was conducted at eight villages which were related the township Kartepe in Kocaeli province at Marmara region. The goal here, is to observe the affect of Kocaeli's improved industry on people's interest in agriculture right along with ascertaining which information resources that farmers use while they are executing the agricultural activities and seeing whether the agricultural extension are affective or not. In this study, the eight villages which have intensive agricultural activity, were set with objective sampling and at fixing the sample mass, random sampling method was used. The survey application was made with face to face interviews with 131 farmers. These villages, are surrounding Kartepe town and have intensive agricultural activity. A various statistical programs were used in this study. The statistical program SPSS 16.00 was used with different methods of calculation such as chi-square analysis, frequency tables and percent analysis. According to the result of the research, it is established that the level of education is low. 80% of farmers have completed elementary education, %8.4 graduated from high school and %10.7 are not literate. In the field of research, it is spotted that the extended family structure is still riding, the vast majority of people engaged in farming were retired from any institution or organization, %17.6 havent got any social security, %82.4 have got a social security at least. Farmers in agricultural activities on these areas are middle-aged and the age range was found occurring between the ages of 46 and above. As very high percentage like %87 of farmers have got a partnership to a cooperative society. Regardless of all stages of development there is not anything preventing the agricultural activity. The farmers whose workplaces are very close to their villages are creating positive value for their own personal budgets together with an indirect addition to the national economy. On the other hand it is stated that there are many advantages for this people through living in an industrial city like working at industry at the same time, having a social security and having retirement facilities. Key Words: Agricultural extension, organic agriculture, sources of information in organic farming

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