
The Spanish Congress of Deputies has approved the law regulating euthanasia. Precisely, the article deals at the statements made by its defenders. These revolve around the following concepts: dignity, right, freedom and, finally, pain-suffering. Human dignity is the individual and social principle par excellence and from which the other three are derived. For this reason, by defending the dignity that the human being possesses, simply, by the fact of being it, it is against said Law. Human dignity is not destroyed by terminal illness, or by dependency, suffering, weakness or frailty. Each human life has value in itself, which must be safeguarded and which makes it non-negotiable in all situations and conditions. That the non-negotiable value of life sustains any democratic system. However, the supposed right to euthanasia is typical of an individualistic and reductionist vision of the human being and his life; and of a freedom detached both from the goodness or badness of the choice and action carried out, and from the responsibility towards the lives of others. Faced with offering euthanasia, as the only solution to the suffering of people in the last stage of their life, quality palliative care should be proposed. These are the only ethical option, consistent with respect for human dignity. Respecting, valuing, caring for, and attending to vulnerable and fragile human life means progress in humanity.

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