
We report a hybrid system based on conducting polymer-semiconductor from poly(otoluidine) (POT) doped with camphor sulfonic acid(CSA) and cadmium selenide capped with Tri sodium citrate(CdSe-TSC) by the physical mixing method. The influence of CdSe nanoparticles weight percent on the hybrid thin films have been investigated by means of XRD, FESEM, UV-VIS absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL) measurements. The main diffraction peaks of POT/CdSe hybrids are analogous to the neat CdSe nanoparticles. The absorption measurement reveals that the interaction between CdSe and POT in the hybrid materials led to the blue shift and broadening of the polaron absorption band. The energy gap has been decreased with an increase in the concentration of CdSe NPs. the PL intensity has been totaly quenched when the tow materials are bring to other. The hybrid nanocomposite material and provides useful evidence apropos the optimum use of CdSe nanoparticles in conductive polymer based optoelectronics.

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