
The article analyzes the data obtained during a sociological study conducted in September-November 2022 on the analysis of the food market of agricultural organic products (on the example of the Sverdlovsk region).” The hypothesis of the connection of consumer preferences with the current ecological position and understanding of the importance of socially responsible behavior was confirmed. The key needs of young consumers that determine the choice of organic food products and their connection with the attitude to maintaining and strengthening health for a bright and interesting life are identified. The authors recorded the reasons for the respondents’ refusal to purchase organic products and the sensitivity of consumers to the increased cost of organic food products. The conclusion is made about the different patterns of consumer behavior of respondents in the segments of the organic food market and their connection with the dominant values and established eating habits. Three styles of consumer behavior are described: ecological, stereotypical, unstable. The ecological style is characterized by attitudes towards the use of healthy and environmentally friendly foods as factors in maintaining an active lifestyle and health. The stereotypical style of eating is characterized by: a strong influence of the environment on the choice of food and diet, low reflection on their own food practices, lack of sufficient knowledge and opportunities for the formation of a culture of nutrition and environmental awareness. Unstable eating style is associated with contradictory attitudes and ambivalent food practices.

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