
In developing countries, where three out of four poor people live in rural areas and where more than 80% of rural people live in households that are involved in agriculture, improving poor farmers’ livelihoods is central for addressing rural development. In recent times, organic farming has increasingly gained attention as a way to manage natural resources in a more sustainable way and to raise incomes especially of smallholder farms. To analyze the impact and the adoption of organic farming from a livelihood perspective hence requires not only considering measurable factors, but also investigate the perceptions and the rationale of the people involved. In this back drop, this study deals with impact of organic farming on sustainable livelihoods marginal organic farmers in Shimoga, Karnataka state India. It makes an attempt to assess organic farming impact on farmer’s income, prices and family needs of their food consumption. it also compares the organic farming supported by Government as well as individuals efforts. Study is based on both primary and secondary data and selected individual case studies. The case study methods drawn from Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) while trying to embody the principles of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Methods. The study revealed that the organic farming not only fulfill the requirement family consumption but also give fair amount of income and reduce the cost of cultivation with a sustainability of agro eco system .further it concluded that Government support is only supplementary in nature and individual efforts have to come from a innovative perceptions of the farmers with a philosophical attitude towards integrated approach to farming system keep in view of ecological, economical and rural social setting for sustainability. The study indicates that there is a wide scope of diversification of farming practices such as Manure, water and Pest management and also generation of rural employment, provides food security at the house hold level where all these are possible actions with a maximum utilization of local natural capital inputs may offer the best prospects for poverty reduction and sustainable livelihood outcomes. However, the need of the hour is to promote organic farming by increasing capacity building of the farmers through interventions of expertise NGOS. and Government support. The study also found that there is a much scope to establish organic input preparation units in nearby villages and observed that the study area has favorable agro climatic conditions suitable for organic farming for marginal farmers are concerned.

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