
Organic dairy producers have distinct perspectives, approaches, challenges, and experiences when managing herd health, but little research has been conducted to develop a deeper understanding of producer decision-making related to disease-prevention and treatment strategies. We used 23 semi-structured interviews with organic dairy producers to better understand their perceived herd health challenges and overall disease-prevention strategies; decision-making and attitudes related to vaccination; and approaches to the treatment of infectious diseases using alternative or conventional antimicrobial therapies. Organic dairy producers reported improvements in overall animal health after they transitioned from a conventional to an organic system. Outdoor access, a balanced forage-based diet, and animal and environmental cleanliness were reported as the predominant disease-prevention measures. Over half of producers vaccinated their animals, and almost all preferred to use vaccines sparingly. Among producers who did not use vaccines, reasons cited were low perceived risk for infectious disease and minor vaccine safety concerns, yet many were not opposed to using vaccines in the future. Non-antimicrobial therapies were viewed as alternative effective treatment strategies for most common infectious diseases. Producers used antimicrobials very rarely and generally reserved them for severe cases when alternative treatments failed. Because US organic standards prohibit selling milk from cows that have ever been treated with antimicrobials, producers described the decision to use antimicrobials as extremely challenging and involved balancing considerations of economics, convenience, and animal welfare. This research fosters a better understanding of organic dairy producers' disease-prevention and treatment strategies and could be used by veterinarians and other animal health specialists to facilitate services for organic clients.

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