
Tea smallholders form a significant part of the global tea industry. They support the rural economy in several tea-producing regions in the world. However, their limited role in the tea value chain and numerous other issues pose major challenges to promote sustainability in the smallholders' tea sector. Of late, it has been observed that the adoption of organic cultivation has encouraged some of the tea smallholders to involve in the processing and marketing of tea, enabling the development of an alternative value chain. Based on the premise that value chain development is crucial to improve the smallholders' situation, we follow a mixed methods research approach to draw upon the recent developments in the tea sub-sector in Assam, India. The findings indicate the potential for the development of sustainable and inclusive value chain for the tea smallholders. However, such progress would requisite encouraging more growers to participate in the value chain, and mobilizing and organizing them towards collective actions through suitable institutional arrangements like producer organizations. Further, policy measures focusing on better governance of the smallholders' collectives, building trust, and creating value networks through strategic collaboration would be crucial to empower the growers and promote sustainability in the smallholders' tea production sector.

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