
The organic cation transporters (OCTs) OCT1, OCT2, OCT3, novel OCT (OCTN)1, OCTN2, multidrug and toxin exclusion (MATE)1, and MATE kidney-specific 2 are polyspecific transporters exhibiting broadly overlapping substrate selectivities. They transport organic cations, zwitterions, and some uncharged compounds and operate as facilitated diffusion systems and/or antiporters. OCTs are critically involved in intestinal absorption, hepatic uptake, and renal excretion of hydrophilic drugs. They modulate the distribution of endogenous compounds such as thiamine, L-carnitine, and neurotransmitters. Sites of expression and functions of OCTs have important impact on energy metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and toxicity of drugs, and on drug-drug interactions. In this work, an overview about the human OCTs is presented. Functional properties of human OCTs, including identified substrates and inhibitors of the individual transporters, are described. Sites of expression are compiled, and data on regulation of OCTs are presented. In addition, genetic variations of OCTs are listed, and data on their impact on transport, drug treatment, and diseases are reported. Moreover, recent data are summarized that indicate complex drug-drug interaction at OCTs, such as allosteric high-affinity inhibition of transport and substrate dependence of inhibitor efficacies. A hypothesis about the molecular mechanism of polyspecific substrate recognition by OCTs is presented that is based on functional studies and mutagenesis experiments in OCT1 and OCT2. This hypothesis provides a framework to imagine how observed complex drug-drug interactions at OCTs arise. Finally, preclinical in vitro tests that are performed by pharmaceutical companies to identify interaction of novel drugs with OCTs are discussed. Optimized experimental procedures are proposed that allow a gapless detection of inhibitory and transported drugs.

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