
In order to understand the changes of surface soil carbon (C) storage following the afforestation of sandy grasslands, we used physical fractionation procedures to quantify C concentrations and sucrase enzyme activity in bulk soil and different particle fractions along two replicate chronosequences of Mongolian pine ( Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litv.) plantations in the southeastern Keerqin Sand Lands, Northeast China. Carbon concentration in bulk topsoil (0–15 cm) initially decreased following afforestation of grassland and subsequently increased as the forest matured. In general, this pattern of C concentration changes was associated with all particle-size fractions (except clays) and both macro- and microaggregates. The patterns of topsoil C were also influenced by wind erosion and deposition, with marked increases in the relative mass of silt and fine sand fractions occurring during forest development. The loss of aggregates immediately following afforestation was counteracted by formation of aggregates as the forests developed, contributing to the stabilization of carbon. To enhance soil C storage during afforestation of sandy soils in such semi-arid regions it is recommended to minimize disruption of grassland vegetation during the planting stage.

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