
SUMMARYThe application of organic composts to soil may affect the availability of micronutrients and their concentration in plants. The present field research study compared soil micronutrient extractability after 5 years of organic fertilization v. conventional inorganic fertilization. Iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) were extracted from soil using diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) and the data obtained were compared with the concentration of these micronutrients in the edible portion of the crop. The study was carried out on a loam soil classified as a Xerofluvent. The soil was fertilized with composted plant residues or with conventional inorganic fertilizer and all treatments were replicated four times in a randomized complete block design. In all cases a crop rotational system was applied. The use of organic fertilization resulted in a higher extractability for all the elements studied; however, the micronutrient content in the edible part of the crops was variable depending on the plant species and element. Crop yields depended on the type of crop rather than the type of soil fertilization. The present study showed that the use of plant compost and the elimination of synthetic fertilizers result in an increase of Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn extractability compared to soil treated with inorganic fertilization, which should provide long-term fertility benefits.

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