
The majorities of penile cancers are of squamous cell origin and thus are amenable to treatment and cure by radiation. Despite the move toward penile sparing strategies, radiation remains an under-utilized and often neglected option. This paper will review the various radio-therapeutic approaches for penile cancer and the literature supporting their use. English, French and Spanish literature on penile cancer was reviewed for the past 5 decades and classified according to modality: external beam radiotherapy, interstitial brachytherapy and surface mold brachytherapy. Many series span several decades and include a wide range of stages, especially for external beam radiotherapy. Penile preservation obviously will depend on dose prescription and stage at treatment. Nonetheless, in general, penile sparing with external beam ranges from 36% to 66% at 5 years. For the selected patients appropriate for interstitial brachytherapy penile sparing is 77% to 87% at 5 years, decreasing to 70% at 10 years. Mold therapy is selected for those with very superficial disease and penile sparing is consequently higher. The development of centers of excellence for the management of this uncommon disease is encouraged. The required surgical and radiotherapy skill sets cannot be expected to be available in all centers. A multidisciplinary evaluation of each patient will facilitate selection of optimal management from the outset.

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