
Nowadays, the radiological risk from simple X-ray procedures is well known. The purpose of this work has been to estimate the population risk from digital angiographic and interventional procedures and to compare it with the one from simple procedures in the same population. The population risk has been estimated according to the following quantities: genetically significant dose, somatic significant dose, collective effective dose, annual per caput effective dose and detriment. These have been estimated from dose area product and organ dose. Organ dose values were estimated with the Eff-Dose software. A population of 605 410 people were included in the study. In 1996, 1312 patients were to digital interventional vascular procedures in Malaga, and 159 of them were selected in this research project to obtain the dose area product and organ dose. The results obtained for the quantities evaluated are: genetically significant dose, 4.1 μGy; somatic significant dose, 0.9 mSv; collective effective dose, 11.65 person-Sv; annual per caput effective dose, 0.02 mSv and detriment, 0.65 radiogenic cancers per year. These procedures supply a high radiation dose, so they should have a greater contribution to population dose and risk than simple examinations. However, our results indicate just the opposite.

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