
We investigated the effects of glucocorticoid manipulation on orexin-A-induced feeding and prepro-orexin mRNA levels in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) of the rat brain. Adrenalectomy (ADX) reduced orexin-A-induced feeding over 4 h by about 60%, compared with shams, an effect that was reversed by corticosterone (CORT) replacement. ADX had no effect on prepro-orexin mRNA levels in the LHA in either the morning or the evening; however, message was up-regulated by CORT in the morning but not the evening. An increased number of emulsion grains per cell in the LHA suggests that this is a specific increase in prepro-orexin mRNA and is not due to an increased number of cells expressing message. Prepro-orexin mRNA levels in the LHA were elevated 4 h after injection of lipopolysaccharide, compared with saline-injected controls. Partial but not complete abolition of orexin-A-induced feeding by ADX suggests that orexin-A-induced feeding may be mediated through glucocorticoid-dependent and glucocorticoid-independent pathways. In the morning increased prepro-orexin mRNA after CORT replacement demonstrates that orexin expression is sensitive to increased concentrations of glucocorticoids. However, the lack of effect of ADX on prepro-orexin mRNA levels suggests that endogenous glucocorticoids are not involved in tonic regulation of basal prepro-orexin expression. Overall our data constitute a body of evidence for an integrated relationship between central orexin expression, stress, glucocorticoid manipulation, and feeding patterns in the rat.

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