
The Samolazovskoe gold-ore deposit is located in the Central Aldan ore district (Russia) within the Yukhta multiphase volcano-plutonic massif, consisted of rocks of the monzonite-syenite formation (J3–K1). Four hydrothermal-metasomatic mineral parageneses are distinguished in the deposit: skarn, developed at the contact of syenites and rocks of the carbonate cover (V–Є); gumbeite, superimposed on the rocks of the intrusive massif; feldspatholite, developed in granite gneisses of the crystalline basement (PR) at their contact with the intrusive massif; ore-bearing fluorite–roscoelite–carbonate–quartz, superimposed on all above-mentioned types of mineralization. The main types of mineralization in the Samolazovskoe deposit are the following: (1) vein-disseminated linear type (now recovered in full volume); (2) vein-disseminated stockwork type; and (3) breccia-like type. Vein-filling minerals of the ores are quartz, fluorite, roscoelite, and carbonate. The main ore minerals are pyrite and marcasite; the secondary ones are bournonite, fahlore, sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite. Coloradoite and calaverite are less common; native gold occurs very rarely. Pyrite and marcasite are characterized by the following impurities (wt%): Sb (0.64–1.90), As (0.94–5.25), Te (1.02–3.82), and V ( 0.21–0.31).

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