
The article is a publication of the document presenting the regulations of the Order of St. John of God in the Lithuanian Province, written in 1724. These regulations - “to be helpful while rightly controlling” and “to preserve the order’s well being”, “set up to honour the God” - were handed down to the superiors of all the convents. Similar to constitutions, these regulations were to perfect and to organize the life in an Order. Engrossed in 39 points, these injunctions were for all members of the Order of St. John of God in the province: a superior, priests, friars of all professions e.g. nurses, hosts, collectors of funds, dispensers etc. The regulations were also to give advice for those being totally devoted to God, how to properly care for the vocation while working with the needy and with the poor and sick, how to unite with God and to strive after the sanctity of life with the help of the Eucharist, prayer, liturgy, adoration of the Holy Sacrament, religious readings, permanent contact with the constitution and with the descriptions of the life of St. John of God. One can also find here advice how to develop love, trust and goodwill, obedience and responsibility when living in a fraternal community. At the end of this document we read following: “these regulations (...) we want them to be truly observed by everyone (...) and to be read every month at congregations”.

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