
Given a linear ordinary differential equation (ODE) on $\RE$ and a set of interface conditions at a finite set of points $I \subset \RE$, we consider the problem of determining another differential equation whose {\it global} solutions satisfy the original ODE on $\RE \backslash I $, and the interface conditions at $I $. Using an extension of the product of distributions with non-intersecting singular supports presented in [L. H\"ormander, The Analysis of Linear Partial Diffe\-rential Operators I, Springer-Verlag, 1983], we determine an {\it intrinsic} solution of this problem, i.e. a new ODE, satisfying the required conditions, and strictly defined within the space of Schwartz distributions. Using the same formalism, we determine a singular perturbation formulation for the $n$-th order derivative operator with interface conditions.

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