
. These results are contained in several recent works of Alonso, Andradas, Gamboa, Ruiz and the author, developing some ideas of Professor D.W. Dubois, whose continuous encouragement and direction made possible this contribution. A basic idea, which appeared first in a paper of Dubois and Recio [4], is the study of the dense orbit property (DOP) for the order space Q of F; namely we say that F is DOP when for each oreF, the orbit of a under the action of the group Aut (F) of automorphisms of F, is dense in Q with respect to the Harrison topology. This property is just a weak statement of homogeneity for Q, i.e., the case when any two orders of Q are isomorphic. The DOP condition was soon observed to be strictly weaker than the homogeneity, as is clear in the following.

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