
Brauer and Thrall conjectured that a finite-dimensional algebra over a field of bounded representation type is actually of finite representation type and a finite-dimensional algebra (over an infinite field) of infinite representation type has strongly unbounded representation type. The first conjecture was proved in full generality, and the second conjecture was proved under the additional assumption that the field be algebraically closed. These results are our motivation for studying (generalized) orders of bounded and strongly unbounded lattice type. To each lattice over an order we assign a numerical invariant, $\underline {\mathsf {h}}$ -length, measuring Hom modulo projectives. We show that an order of bounded lattice type is actually of finite lattice type, and if there are infinitely many non-isomorphic indecomposable lattices of the same $\underline {\mathsf {h}}$ -length, then the order has strongly unbounded lattice type. For a hypersurface R = k[[x0,...,xd]]/(f), we show that R is of bounded (respectively, strongly unbounded) lattice type if and only if the double branched cover R♯ of R is of bounded (respectively, strongly unbounded) lattice type. This is an analog of a result of Knorrer and Buchweitz-Greuel-Schreyer for rings of finite mCM type. Consequently, it is proved that R has strongly unbounded lattice type whenever k is infinite.

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