
The standard short-range two-dimensional Ising spin glass is numerically well accessible, in particular, because there are polynomial-time ground-state algorithms. On the other hand, in contrast to higher dimensional spin glasses, it does not exhibit a rich behavior, i.e., no ordered phase at finite temperature. Here, we investigate whether long-range correlated bonds change this behavior. This would still keep the model numerically well accessible while exhibiting a more interesting behavior. The bonds are drawn from a Gaussian distribution with a two-point correlation for bonds at distance r that decays as (1+r^{2})^{-a/2}, a≥0. We study numerically with exact algorithms the ground-state and domain-wall excitations. Our results indicate that the inclusion of bond correlations still does not lead to a spin-glass order at any finite temperature. A further analysis reveals that bond correlations have a strong effect at local length scales, inducing ferro- and antiferromagnetic domains into the system. The length scale of ferro- and antiferromagnetic order diverges exponentially as the correlation exponent approaches a critical value, a→a_{crit}=0. Thus, our results suggest that the system becomes a ferro- or antiferromagnet only in the limit a→0.

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