
Stability of social and behavioural order in biological, ecological, and social systems is modelled within the formalism of the Fröhlich condensation. The latter is a high temperature analogue of the Bose-Einstein condensation and stability is approached via intensive pumping of energy into a system interacting with a bath. We start with the review of this formalism considering nonequilibrium thermodynamic and quantum frameworks. Although Fröhlich applied this formalism to bio-systems and the physical energy flows (electromagnetic, chemical, vibrational), he pointed out on the possibility to apply it to wider class of systems. We realize this program by using quantum-like modelling in combination with the information approach to biological and social systems, by treating them as information processors and introducing the notion of social energy (with its versions, as, e.g., social and behavioural energy). This formalism is applied to modelling of social stability in the modern open society characterized by powerful flows of information and huge information reservoir based on internet, including the variety of social networks. Then, it is applied to modelling of coherent behaviour in herds and flocks with the illustrative example of wolf packs. The essence of the paper is extracting conditions for the Fröhlich condensation and reformulating them in the purely information framework.

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