
The Open Researcher & Contributor ID (ORCID) ID is a unique author identification for the bibliographical record maintaining source. This is a thematic paper based on qualitative methodology deep sight reviewed different papers about the ORCID ID. Its role in scholarly communication and the publishing industry. The research findings show the awareness of Pakistani scholars about the ORCID and found 5020 ORCID ID account holders which seem very low awareness about the ORCID ID. Libraries and Librarian roles are also discussed about the promotion awareness of author identification sources. This study is helpful to librarians to include ORCID ID in their respective information literacy sessions. Pakistani researcher can secure their profile and avoid duplication of ID’s. This is the first study about the ORCID ID in the Pakistani context it will help to know Pakistani authors, researchers, scholars to known about one of the most emerging author identification tools having 12.1 million author/researcher records.

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