
This research was based on the results of habitat survey of orchids and identification of orchid species which were present in the Ağdacı Campus Landscape, University of Bartın, Turkey. Orchid habitat survey was carried out by the field studies. Orchid species was identified through the literature sources, herbarium specimens and photos. According to the results, Serapias vomeraceae (Burm. fil.) Briq. ssp. orientalis Greuter (Long-lipped tangue orchid), Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) L.C.M. Richard (Pyramidal orchid), Orchis laxiflora Lam. ssp. laxiflora (Loose-flowered orchid), Orchis coriophora L. (Bug orchid), Ophrys apifera var. apifera Huds. (Bee orchid) and Ophrys oestrifera M. Bieb. ssp. oestrifera (Horsefly orchid) orchids were found in the Ağdacı Campus Landscape. According to the habitat survey, orchid species were often found on sloping grassland slopes, road edges, borders, campus wall borders, under the trees and bushes. It was determined by the field observations that the campus orchids and habitats had decreased due to the grass mowing and human activities. There is a need for a campus landscape planning and design guide based on the natural species and habitat conservation in Ağdacı Campus. Therefore, the natural species and habitats of the campus should be identified. This information should be integrated with the campus landscape planning and design guide. Human activities in the campus landscape should be allowed only according to this guide.

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