
At the same time, the IaaS cloud is tapped with a double-edged sword of over and underutilization. Where overutilization causes higher costs, poor performance, and low prices (i.e., leads to fines), underutilization wastes the underlying resources. All these factors extremely annoy the customers as well as providers. The industry’s automation and predictions of 75 billion devices and 75 ZB data; increase this risk even more. For such massive growth, the IaaS cloud needs autonomous techniques that optimally manage both sides and utilize the resources optimally. Lots of studies have been carried on in this regard, however, improvement is still required. To address the under and overutilization challenges, the proposed model employs insourcing and outsourcing migration techniques. As a federated cloud, however, providers are not obligated to hire from a particular alliance. If the service provider is overloaded, it can engage external resources from anywhere that is convenient and cost-effective. Algorithms are used to optimize the different parameters such as resource utilization, customer satisfaction, SLA violation and prices for the provider’s profit maximization.

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