
Parasympathetic nerves of pterygopalatine ganglion origin are considered to enter the orbit and distribute to the nasal mucosa with the anterior ethmoidal nerve. As their distribution has never been demonstrated the present study was undertaken to seek evidence of their passage and to identify their relationship with the ethmoidal nerves. The soft tissues of the pterygopalatine fossa and orbit from sixteen sides of twelve cadavers were removed in one piece and either dissected or cut coronally into slabs and prepared histologically using montages of thin resin-embedded sections at intervals suitable for nerve path tracing. Several of the rami orbitales passing mediodorsally from the ganglion enter the orbit apically, branch and enter the posterior ethmoidal foramen terminating in the lining of the paranasal sinuses and others advance to enter the anterior ethmoidal canal to reach the nasal mucosa. No junctions were made with ethmoidal nerves within the orbit or the canal. Failure of surgical lesions of the anterior ethmoidal nerve as a treatment for vasomotor rhinitis may be attributed to the sparing of the separate parasympathetic nerves. Appropriate chemical lesions, on the other hand, could ensure destruction of isolated parasympathetic nerves while limiting damage to the larger anterior ethmoidal nerve.

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