
Orbital- and millennial-scale variations in the Asian monsoon and its probable association with the Dansgaard–Oeschger (D–O) Cycles have been demonstrated by previous studies. However, the origin and nature of such variations are poorly understood. The Japan Sea is located down wind of the arid areas of the Eurasian continent, and thus receives significant amounts of aeolian dust. Consequently, the hemipelagic sediments of the Japan Sea are expected to record a continuous aeolian dust accumulation, which may provide information about the past variations in Asian monsoon. Grain size, flux, and provenance of aeolian dust in the sediments were examined using two sediment cores obtained from the northern and southern parts of the Japan Sea in order to understand the spatial variability of Asian monsoon. Since the silt fraction of the detrital materials in hemipelagic sediments of the Japan Sea is composed predominantly of aeolian dust, the grain size, flux, and provenance of the silt fraction were examined. The Taklimakan Desert–Loess Plateau and Siberia–Northeast China areas were identified as possible source areas of aeolian dust in the sediments of the Japan Sea based on the Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) signal intensity and crystallinity of quartz. Moreover, the relative contribution of aeolian dust from each source area was estimated based on the ESR signal intensity and crystallinity of quartz. Aeolian dust fluxes from the two source areas at the southern site were then estimated. Grain size and flux of eolian dust at the northern site, and fluxes of aeolian dust from two source areas at the southern site show orbital-scale variations in harmony with the insolation change at 30° N in June. These results indicate orbital-scale changes in the extent of the arid area and/or frequency of dust storms in the Taklimakan Desert–Loess Plateau and Siberia–Northeast China areas, and suggest that southward (northward) shifts of the westerly jet axis occurred together with either intensified (weakened) winter monsoon, decreased (increased) winter precipitation in the Siberia–Northeast China area, or southeastward (northwestward) shifts of summer monsoon limit during periods of smaller (larger) insolation at 30° N in June. In addition to these orbital-scale variations, millennial-scale variations possibly associated with the D–O Cycles are observed in the grain size record of aeolian dust at the two sites. Based on analogy with orbital-scale variations, these millennial-scale variations are considered to reflect millennial-scale changes in the position of the westerly jet axis together with the changes either in winter monsoon intensity, winter precipitation, or position of summer monsoon limit. Our results suggest N–S oscillations in the westerly jet and summer monsoon limit, and changes in the intensity of the winter monsoon on orbital and millennial timescales.

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