
An improved understanding of patients' attitudes to medication may help promote compliance with oral medications for onychomycosis. This study was performed to assess patients' preference between continuous and intermittent oral treatment schedules for onychomycosis and to determine the reasons underlying the selections made. Patients were eligible for inclusion if they had current onychomycosis and were willing to take oral medication for this condition. In a 30-min, face-to-face interview, each patient answered questions about four possible treatment schedules for onychomycosis; regimen 1--continuous (daily regular intake) for 12 weeks; regimen 2--intermittent 1 week/month for 3 months (last week of therapy is week 9); regimen 3--intermittent once weekly for 21 weeks; regimen 4--intermittent 1 week/month for 4 months (last week of therapy is week 13). A total of 102 patients from Germany and Spain participated in the study. When asked to choose between regimens 1, 2, and 3, 46% of patients favored the 9-week intermittent schedule, 42% selected the 12-week continuous schedule, and 12% preferred the 21-week intermittent schedule. The preference for the 9-week intermittent schedule was more notable among younger patients (< 45 years), possibly because they are less used to taking regular medication, and among Spanish patients, an effect that could not be attributed to age because the average age of patients was similar in the participating countries (Germany 47.2 years; Spain 48.0 years). When the patients who preferred regimen 2 were asked to choose between regimens 1, 3, and 4 (both intermittent schedules longer than the continuous schedule), most (57%) favored the shortest treatment schedule (regimen 2). Overall, patients favored an intermittent schedule lasting 9 weeks. Treatment duration is the critical factor in determining patients' preference for treatment schedules for onychomycosis.

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