
The pathogenesis clinical effects public health importance and treatment of diarrhea by oral rehydration therapy (ORT) are discussed in this review. ORT (oral-glucose electrolyte solution) when used to treat mild to moderately dehydrated patients can eliminate the need for intravenous supplementation. It also has the advantage of wide availability simplicity of use safety and low cost. Since next to respiratory diseases diarrhea is a most common disease in tropical and semi-tropical countries ORT availability in developing areas is most desirable. The following formula for an ORT solution is given (in mmol/liter): sodium 90; potassium 20; chloride 80 bicarbonate 30; and glucose 110 or sucrose 220. Glucose is preferred. Children with oral therapy seem to gain weight at a greater rate than children treated in more traditional ways. Also essential is the proper feeding of children during diarrheal episodes. ORT has been used extensively since 1969 at the Cholera Research Laboratory in Bangladesh with as much as an 80% decrease in need to apply parenteral fluids.

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