
Antineoplastic treatments, such as chemotherapy, favor a series of opportunistic infections in the oral cavity due to immunosuppression. The aim of the present study is to report the case of a 44-year-old male patient diagnosed with acute myelomonocytic leukemia who, during chemotherapy, presented ulcerations with an erythematous halo on the hard palate, cleft lip commissure bilaterally, and increased volume in the region sublingual gland with pain and purulent discharge from the oral cavity. The diagnostic hypotheses were herpes simplex, angular cheilitis, and bacterial sialadenitis, respectively. The therapeutic measures adopted were the introduction of systemic acyclovir associated with antimicrobial photodynamic therapy for the treatment of herpetic lesions, topical antifungal for angular cheilitis, and antibiotic therapy to control sialadenitis. In these cases, opportunistic infections present exacerbated and painful lesions. Such conditions have a negative impact on patients' quality of life and general condition, and dental management and follow-up are essential.

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