
0 steoporosis is a major health problem for the elderly.’ The underlying clinical problem is a deficiency of bone mass, or skeletal osteopenia, resulting in fractures of the spine, the distal of the radius and ulna bones, and the neck of the femoral bone. It is estimated that 25% to 30% of all Caucasian women in the United States will experience a fracture related to osteoporosis by age 65.’ A possibly related and significant mandibular osteopenia (residual ridge resorption) appears to occur in edentulous patients, resulting in extensive residual ridge reduction. Extensive loss of bone may occur; and in patients who have no residual ridge, treatment with dentures is difficult and comfort and function are compromised.2-4 It has been suggested that there may be a relationship between residual ridge reduction and osteopenia of the remaining skeleton.‘, 5 It has also been suggested that periodontal disease, tooth mobility, and tooth loss are affected by and related to osteopenia.6-” The purpose of this study was to document the dentai findings in a group of female osteoporotic subjects and to determine the relationship between systemic and oral findings. Dental status was evaluated in terms of loss of mandibular ridge height, mandibular bone density, periodontal bone loss, and loss of teeth. The degree of generalized osteopenia was measured by determining total body calcium (total bone mass) by

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