
To gain a better understanding of the development of sucking behavior in low birth weight infants, the aims of this study were as follows: (1) to assess these infants' oral feeding performance when milk delivery was unrestricted, as routinely administered in nurseries, versus restricted when milk flow occurred only when the infant was sucking; (2) to determine whether the term sucking pattern of suction/expression was necessary for feeding success; and (3) to identify clinical indicators of successful oral feeding. Infants (26 to 29 weeks of gestation) were evaluated at their first oral feeding and on achieving independent oral feeding. Bottle nipples were adapted to monitor suction and expression. To assess performance during a feeding, proficiency (percent volume transferred during the first 5 minutes of a feeding/total volume ordered), efficiency (volume transferred per unit time), and overall transfer (percent volume transferred) were calculated. Restricted milk flow enhanced all three parameters. Successful oral feeding did not require the term sucking pattern. Infants who demonstrated both a proficiency ≥30% and efficiency ≥1.5 ml/min at their first oral feeding were successful with that feeding and attained independent oral feeding at a significantly earlier postmenstrual age than their counterparts with lower proficiency, efficiency, or both. Thus a restricted milk flow facilitates oral feeding in infants younger than 30 weeks of gestation, the term sucking pattern is not necessary for successful oral feeding, and proficiency and efficiency together may be used as reliable indicators of early attainment of independent oral feeding in low birth weight infants.(J Pediatr 1997;130:561-9)

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